Pet Preparation Checklist For COVID-19

No doubt what is happening in our world right now is scary, it is changing life as we know it. The unknown is creating havoc in our workplaces, businesses, shops and in our every day lives. Just yesterday I tried to do a small Aldi shop for my everyday groceries (bread, milk, pasta, chicken etc.) only to come home pretty much empty handed with a bag of grated cheese and a packet of croissants

While we are busy stocking up on toilet paper and non-perishables in the event of shut down, self-isolation or supply issues, its important to also plan well for our pets to avoid stress during this time. Many people are already stocking up on pet food, but that’s not the only thing you need to consider. Here are some things to organise, to help you through the coming weeks.

Food, Treats, Supplements, Consumables

Ensure you have enough food, bones, treats, supplements, parasite protection, cat litter and other consumables to last at least a month. Consider and purchase alternative options for back up, in case your preferred food or supplies become unavailable in the future.

For raw feeders, you may like to consider Ziwipeak, K9 Naturals, Balanced Life, Frontier Pets, Bestie or Vets All Natural. Some of these are air dried, freeze dried and rehydrated, canned or are added to fresh meat meat to create a balanced meal, so grab suitable meat or mince and freeze to have on hand if you can.


Ensure you have enough medication for at least a month. We don’t know what kind of impact there will be on supplies, so its better to have plenty on hand just in case. Organise a vet consult for a check up and to ensure you have repeat scripts. Ask if they may provide a script to have on hand in the event of isolation or quarantine, in case you need to order online.

Many vets are offering online consultations to reduce face to face contact.

Pet Care Plan

Have a care plan organised for your pets in the event you become hospitalised, or in the case of testing positive, are quarantined away from home. This is particularly important if you live alone! The care may be in your home, away from home or a combination. Where possible, organise a back up in the event your first choice becomes unavailable.

Pet Care Checklist & Instructions

Yep, if you are like us, we know you may have a care instruction list 20 pages long for your zoo, especially if you have multiple pets, multiple species and any with special needs. This is when those instructions are important! Be sure to note all information needed, including medication, current vaccination status, allergies, phobias, behavioural concerns etc. Consider medication organisers for each pet if they are on daily/multiple medications.

Note all pets within your home (name, species, breed, colour etc.) so they can be all accounted for, and no pet is forgotten if you have someone unfamiliar attending. Include your regular vet/s contact details.

Create a checklist of supplies that needs to be gathered if your pets will be picked up.

Easily Accessible Supplies

Ensure medications, food, leashes, crates, bedding etc. are easily accessible, or leave details on where to find them. Where possible, pack a bag of spare items for someone to collect easily.

Emergency Care Contact Details

In case of emergency, sickness or quarantine, leave contact details for your pet’s emergency care in your wallet or bag. This person could be who is caring for your pets, or can action the care in your absence.

Access to Pets

Ensure your home/pets/aviaries/dog runs/tanks etc. can be accessed in your absence. Leave spare keys with someone trusted or in a secure place outside your door or home.

Financial Support

Consider leaving money/EFTPOS gift card/Pre-Paid Visa Card etc with your pet’s carer, to assist if supplies, medication or vet treatment may be required in your absence.

Care Directives

Note any care directives for your pets (written form/legal will/note and verbal to friends and/or family) in the unlikely event you are unwell long term, critically ill or pass away.

This list may seem like overkill, and hopefully you won’t need to action many of these things! This is designed to be prepared and reduce anxiety in this unknown time by providing you with peace of mind that things are in place to keep your beloved furry/feather/scaly family safe.

If you have any more suggestions we may not have included, feel free to comment. Its important we support each other. If you know of any vulnerable people with pets, please help them with this list, stay in touch every day and let them know you are there to help where ever you can.

Keep watching this space, we will be posting more about things you can do with your dog if you are in shutdown or self-imposed quarantine at home. Spending more time with your dog is definitely the upside to that!

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