Enrolment Terms & Conditions


We use scientifically based, humane and up to date training methods and our focus is teaching dogs what we would like them to do, by rewarding them for offering those behaviours. Commonly known as positive reinforcement (or reward based training), these methods are fun, effective, easy to apply and respectful, as being a dog in a human world can be challenging; many natural dog behaviours are seen as undesirable.

Positive reinforcement and choice based training techniques are the gold standard of animal behaviour and training worldwide, and are recommended not only for all animals, but dogs of all ages, sizes and breeds. These methods are also the safest and most effective for co-operative care and for addressing behavioural concerns from fear, anxiety and reactivity through to aggression.

We encourage ways for you and your dog to work together as a team, to build confidence and to create a fantastic relationship where you can support each other. Our goal is to help you bring out the best in your dog; one that is happy, confident, well mannered, and one you can go to more places with. Training helps keep you both safe, but also allows you and your dog more freedom, more choice and more fun.

Our passion is focusing on whole pet wellness, as behaviour is directly affected by physical, emotional and mental health. We do not promote or use any methods that involve fear, intimidation or pain. We believe in setting the dog up for success, using the least invasive methods and employing The Humane Hierarchy when working with all of our clients.

To enrol into any of our courses or services, click on Book Online and select the course or service of your choice. All courses and classes are listed under the Courses heading and workshops are listed under the Events heading. The website will take you through the whole booking process. If you have any issues, please contact us.

We prefer bank internet transfer, but also accept cash, credit card (via Square or Paypal App) or Paypal. Full payment must be made 48 hours prior to class commencing to secure your place. Unsecured places will be allocated to the next person on the waitlist. Please contact us if you have any concerns regarding payment.

Payment for classes can be made during the enrolment process using credit card via Stripe, or can be done after registration via bank transfer, credit or EFTPOS card via Stripe, Square or Paypal. Payment for other products and services can be processed online or via invoice.

Account Details:
Mind Body and Bowl
BSB 304-191
Acc 0216212

Use your surname and dog’s name as reference or invoice number if applicable. Please email a copy of your payment receipt to hello@mindbodyandbowl.com.au

You are welcome to bring as many family or friends as you would like to class. All attendees, including children, must follow our safety rules and follow all instructions from Mind Body & Bowl staff.

We welcome children to participate in the sessions, they make fantastic trainers! All children must follow our safety policies and staff members’ instructions. For safety and insurance reasons, we do request an adult over 16 is handling the leash at all times on the grounds, unless otherwise directed by staff. We are committed to dog-child safety and would be happy to chat about how to create safe and happy interactions.

Any children under 7 years old will need an additional person 15 years or over to supervise. Our services are a mixture of both theory and hands on activities, however, children may find parts of our classes or workshops difficult, as they will required to sit quietly and listen. For those that may find this challenging or for children who do not wish to actively participate in class, we recommend bringing quiet activities to keep them busy (reading, colouring, iPads etc), so as to not distract or disrupt their own, or other dogs in class.

Please ensure your children do not run, jump, climb on or move class equipment, play with balls, ride bikes/scooters/skateboards, squeal, yell or engage in other fast moving or noisy activities or approach other client’s dogs. These kind of actions can make it very difficult for dogs (and humans) to concentrate and can also spook and frighten dogs, which may result in them developing long term negative associations or reacting aggressively in defence.

If you feel your child may have difficulty following instructions or sitting quietly for the class duration, we would recommend coming to class without them, and then showing them how to work with the dog at home instead. If staff feel child/ren are impacting the learning experience for the dogs in class or may pose a safety risk to themselves, others or any of the dogs, we reserve the right to ask you to take them home and would be happy to discuss (and provide where possible) alternative training arrangements.

We welcome children to participate in the sessions, they make fantastic trainers! For safety and insurance reasons, we do request an adult over 16 is handling the leash at all times on the grounds, unless directed by staff otherwise. We are committed to dog-child safety and would be happy to chat about how to create safe and happy interactions.

Yes, you can if you have a dedicated handler 16 years and over for each dog. Please enrol each dog separately. Two dogs with one handler is not recommended as each dog won’t get as much in class time and you can also lose time swapping dogs out for activities. We want to ensure you and your dog get the most of your time with us. If you are bringing multiple dogs, please ensure you bring sufficient treats and all equipment needed for multiple dogs. There can be other challenges with multiple dogs from the same household in class, contact us if you have further questions.

Classes run with a maximum of 8 dogs. Some workshops, where suitable, may accomodate up to 10 dogs. This also allows us to coach your and your dog through the skills individually, to ensure you get the support you need to succeed.

We know sometimes things happen, so provided you give us written notice at least 3 days prior to course commencement, we are happy to offer you a full refund. Anything under 72 hours notice will be subject to an administration fee of $30, and the balance of your course or workshop fees will be refunded. Class and workshop fees are non-refundable or transferable once a course has commenced. If you are unable to attend the course (or any portion thereof), casual class or workshop after it has commenced, your fees will be forfeited.

NOTE: Happy Snappy Recall has Pre-Week 1 information and exercises supplied to you after via email once full course payment or $30 non-refundable deposit has been paid. If you need to cancel your course after this information has been supplied to you and prior to course commencement, you will be charged $30 and have receive the balance of your course fees refunded. The deposit is non-refundable in the event of cancellation, as course information has been supplied to you.

We understand life happens and you may not be able to attend a class. We will offer, wherever possible, a catch up class in another group of an equivalent level, should there be a place available. We make no guarantees and this will depend on availability, as places in our classes are limited. Catch up classes are on a case by case basis and are solely at our discretion.

Refunds, partial refunds or course/service transfers will not be offered if you are unable to attend a class or multiple classes once a course has commenced. Please refer to our Enrolment Terms & Conditions for more information.

Items required specifically related to the course you are attending will also be outlined in your welcome email, which is usually sent out 1-2 days prior to your course commencement.

Please wear comfortable weather appropriate clothing, that you don’t mind if it gets dirty. You and all family members attending MUST wear fully enclosed shoes for workplace health and safety reasons. We recommend bringing a hat and sunscreen, as some classes may be held outdoors.

Class can be a distracting with many novel items, people and environments. We want your dogs to be motivated to focus and participate, so please do not feed them their normal meal before class.

We don’t want your dog to be too tired to participate in class, but a short light walk or brief game fetch or tug game before class can help dogs with extra energy. NOTE: For puppies, please ensure they have had a good sleep prior to the class, ideally not being awake longer than 10-15 mins beforehand if possible.

Enrolment Terms, Conditions & Safety Information

By enrolling into any of our classes or services, you accept all enrolment terms and conditions, have signed a waiver, and agree to follow all safety policies and staff instructions.

Failure to bring required equipment may impact you or your dog’s ability to participate in class. Please try to remember to bring to following, and any specific equipment required for your class.

  • Flat Enclosed Shoes
  • Current Vaccination/Titre Certificate
  • Sufficient Food Treats
  • 2-3 of Favourite Toys
  • Acceptable Leash & Collar (Harness)
  • Poo Bags
  • Mat
  • Crate (if applicable)
  • Water Bowl & Water (if applicable)
  1. Flat Enclosed Shoes

    It is a workplace health and safety and insurance requirement that ALL people attending training (including any children) are wearing fully enclosed shoes. Please leave a spare pair of enclosed shoes in the car to change into, should you forget. If you are not wearing the correct footwear, it may affect your ability to participate in class. You will not be offered a refund, partial refund, credit or course transfer for failure to comply with our safety requirements.

  2. Vaccination Certificate/Titre Record

    Please bring a physical or digital copy of your dog’s current vaccination or titre to your first class. If you are unable to provide this, your dog won’t be able to participate in the class or workshop.
We recommend you take a photo of it and store it on your phone so you have it on hand at all times.

  3. Meaty Treats (& treat pouch)

    Please have a large quantity, high value treats cut up into very small portions – no larger than the size of your little fingernail (half that for smaller breeds). Puppies will require half the size recommended above. If they can chew the treat, it is probably too big.

    For adults, we recommend a minimum of 1 full sandwich bag of treats, for puppies 3/4 sandwich bag should be sufficient. It is better to have leftovers that you can use for training later, rather than to run out during the consultation.

    Human (stinky, meaty) food treats work best. A mixture of a few different varieties is ideal, to keep things motivating and interesting for your dog. Even though your dog probably loves dry food and treats, they are are often not enticing enough around distractions or in environments outside the
    home. Some suggestions are below:

    – Cooked chicken or turkey
    – Cooked steak or roast meat
    – Cheese
    – Sausage
    – Bacon
    – Cabana
    – Leftover roast
    – Prime100 roll

    If your dog has allergies, dietary sensitivities or restrictions or is on an elimination diet, please contact us prior to your class if you need assistance choosing suitable treats.

    We recommend bringing treat pouch for classes, enabling you to have treats close to hand. There are lots on the market and its a personal choice, but we love the Doggone Good Rapid Rewards. We are looking to stock these in the future for client convenience. Contact us if you are interested in purchasing one.

  4. Toys

    Bring 2-3 of your dog’s favourite toys, that are highly motivating and something they really love to interact with. This might be a tug toy, a Kong, a ball or a plush toy. If you are unsure, bring a selection and we can see what will work.

  5. Leash & Collar (Harness)

    For classes a standard collar (or martingale) or front/back attachment harnesses are suitable. A head collar or halter is also appropriate, but MUST in addition to a standard collar or harness, as in most cases we want the dog to train without the head collar during classes. Choke (check), prong, shock or citronella collars are not permitted.

    Please ensure your dog’s collar and/or harness are in good condition and are well fitting (no risk of escaping the equipment).

    Leashes need to be a standard lightweight leash, 1.8-2.2 metres is ideal. Longer leashes 3m-5m are ideal for outdoor classes and activities, we recommend bringing it along if you have one, just in case. Ensure if it is in good condition and not as risk of breaking or failing. Please do not bring your dog on a chain or retractable leash.

    Your dog must be on leash at all times, unless otherwise instructed. Please ensure your dog is on leash before leaving the car. We will soon have waterproof leashes available for purchase and pick up at your class, please contact us if you are interested in purchasing one.

    If you have any questions regarding equipment, please contact us prior to class.

  6. Poo Bags

    We love responsible dog parents, please bring poo bags to clean up your dog’s waste. We will provide paper towel and F10/disinfectant spray to clean up on hard surfaces; owners are fully responsible for cleaning up after their dog. We train in a multi purpose venue and in public areas, so it’s essential we keep them clean so we are able to continue to use them.
Please only use our bins marked with Hide ’n’ Seek/Mind Body & Bowl for waste disposal.

  7. Mat

    Please bring a blanket, picnic rug, towel, yoga mat or similar for your dog to sit or rest on comfortably. This can help your dog to settle and relax and is essential when specifically working on mat training skills. It may get dirty, scratched or get treats dropped/squashed on it, so ensure it is something is suitable with this in mind.

  8. Crate

    In some cases you may find bringing a crate to be beneficial, especially for during longer workshops, so your dog has a quiet, safe place to rest. Please bring a secure hard or soft crate for your dog, with a cover or something to cover it. Car crating is also may be suitable, provided they can remain comfortable in warm or cool weather and calm.

    For warmer weather consider cooling mats, cooling bandanas, cooling coats and crate fans. We may modify class structures in high heat if we feel dogs being crated unsupervised in heat poses a safety risk.

    If you have any questions or concerns about crates or would like recommendations of where to purchase a crate, please contact us.

  9. Water Bowl and Water (if applicable)

    Multiple water bowls are provided for at all classes and workshops at the venue, but we recommend you bring your own just in case, particularly for outside classes or when classes will be held in public settings or alternate locations.

If your dog is unwell (vomiting, diarrhoea, coughing, contagious conditions etc.) please do not bring your dog to class. If your dog can be safely left at home, you are welcome to attend without them to ensure you don’t miss the session.

Dogs who are booked in for desexing during a course or who have recently been desexed, are usually still able to participate in classes and workshops, as many activities are low impact. Training is an ideal way to keep them amused during their prescribed recovery time. Dogs do not have to be desexed to participate in classes.

Please do not bring female dogs in season (in heat) to class. Safety for all dogs and clients is our priority, so please contact us if you have concerns about attendance.

To help set your dog up for success, please aim to arrive at least 15 mins early, to set up your dog’s crate/gather training equipment, toilet and settle your dog, show vaccination and be ready for class. Late arrivals (even by only a couple of minutes) can impact the experience of other clients and their dogs, especially those that require more space. As we offer group services, we aim to provide a safe and comfortable experience for all attendees.

If you arrive late, we cannot guarantee your ability to participate in class that day and may ask you to return at another time. Arriving in a mad panic can make it difficult for your dog to be ready to learn, and we want to set them (and you) up for a successful class. We will offer catch up classes, where possible, but this option is not guaranteed and is on a case by case basis and at our discretion.

Clients must not allow their dog to meet, greet, approach or play with another dog on the training grounds unless a staff member has instructed otherwise. This is regardless of whether the dogs are off leash or on leash. On leash greetings can be particularly risky, and can easily lead to a dog fight. Be aware of your leash length and take steps to ensure your dogs cannot accidentally approach another.

We have dogs participating in our services that require space from other dogs, so it’s important you are mindful of this and don’t allow your dog to stare at, greet, run up to or play with other dogs. Some dogs are triggered simply by the visual of other dogs, so please support other clients and their dogs at the grounds and do what you can to be considerate of their needs. Our no greetings policy ensures all clients, dogs and staff are safe and that dogs are able to settle and concentrate, ready for class. It also reduces the chances of future reactivity issues with your dog, as those who always get to meet and greet, may react poorly and aggressively in the future in frustration, as they have developed an expectation.

Not all dogs like to be approached, no matter how friendly other dogs appear and we strongly support and advocate for those who need space. We are happy to show you how to move around tight and busy areas with your dog, to minimise issues on the grounds and in public areas.

Please do not approach other dogs without the owner’s AND the dog’s permission. Some dogs and puppies can be nervous or fearful of unknown people or they way they are approached. We are happy to show you the best way for people to approach and ask a dog for permission to interact with them, to create the best possible experience for them.

We welcome children to participate in the sessions, they make fantastic trainers! All children must follow our safety policies and staff members’ instructions. For safety and insurance reasons, we do request an adult over 16 is handling the leash at all times on the grounds, unless otherwise directed by staff. We are committed to dog-child safety and would be happy to chat about how to create safe and happy interactions.

Any children under 7 years old will need an additional person 15 years or over to supervise. Our services are a mixture of both theory and hands on activities, however, children may find parts of our classes or workshops difficult, as they will required to sit quietly and listen. For those that may find this challenging or for children who do not wish to actively participate in class, we recommend bringing quiet activities to keep them busy (reading, colouring, iPads etc), so as to not distract or disrupt their own, or other dogs in class.

Please ensure your children do not run, jump, climb on or move class equipment, play with balls, ride bikes/scooters/skateboards, squeal, yell or engage in other fast moving or noisy activities or approach other client’s dogs. These kind of actions can make it very difficult for dogs (and humans) to concentrate and can also spook and frighten dogs, which may result in them developing long term negative associations or reacting aggressively in defence.

If you feel your child may have difficulty following instructions or sitting quietly for the class duration, we would recommend coming to class without them, and then showing them how to work with the dog at home instead. If staff feel a child/ren are impacting the learning experience for the dogs in class or may pose a safety risk for them or dogs, we reserve the right to ask you to take your family home and be happy to discuss (and provide where possible) alternative training arrangements.

Depending on the specific course, we usually require minimum number of four-six enrolled and confirmed dogs in order to commence a course. Your dog’s enrolment is not considered confirmed until full payment (or otherwise arrangement) has been made. Occasionally courses or workshops may not commence on the scheduled date due to low enrolments. You will be notified via email and/or SMS if this occurs, with the new commencement date.

Scheduling may be affected if there are postponements in other courses prior to yours. If a class or workshop has been postponed to low enrolments, instructor illness or inclement weather, venue event etc, this may affect the scheduled start date for your course. Please keep this in mind when enrolling, as refunds will not be offered for change of date or postponements. We may be able to offer a credit, catch up class or to transfer you to another course where possible, but cannot guarantee this. Any accomodations are on a case by case basis and at our discretion.

Due to our Queensland weather (storms, flooding, high level humidity/heat etc) it is sometimes not suitable to hold a classes in inclement weather. We will advise you as early as possible, via SMS and/or EMAIL if your class is required to be rescheduled. If your trainer is ill or experiences a personal emergency and is unable to instruct the class, you will be notified via SMS and/or EMAIL as early as possible.

Please ensure that you have provided us with your mobile telephone number and email. If you are in a multiple session course, we will simply extend the course by a week. If it is a casual class or workshops, we will reschedule to the next available schedule opening, aiming to accomodate client availability as best we can. We will offer catch up classes wherever possible for those unable to attend due to change of schedule, however this is not guaranteed and is at our discretion. It is important that you take this into account when enrolling since refunds will not be offered in this case.

We know sometimes things happen, so provided you give us written notice at least 3 days prior to course commencement, we are happy to offer you a full refund. Anything under 72 hours notice will be subject to an administration fee of $30, and the balance of your course or workshop fees will be refunded. Class and workshop fees are non-refundable or transferable if you cancel on the day of course commencement or once a course has commenced. If you are unable to attend the course, casual class or workshop after it has commenced, your fees will be forfeited.

If you are unable to attend a class due to illness, dog illness, work or family commitments etc, we do not offer refunds or partial refunds for any missed sessions. We will aim to offer a suitable catch up session wherever possible, but this is not guaranteed, on a case by case basis and solely at our discretion.